Maybe We Should Give Homeless People Homes

Stanley Fritz
6 min readDec 4, 2017

There are more empty homes than there are homeless people. So why don’t we just give them somewhere to stay?

Image Source: Metro UK

Not too long ago, actually, about four years ago, I used to work by the world trade center. And every morning, I would make my way to the Chambers Street stop on the E Train. It was during this commute that I made friends with a homeless man. But in hindsight, I’m not a hundred percent sure I can call him a friend. We never learned each other’s names, he had never been to my house, and I know for sure I had never been to his, we never exchanged, gifts or imparted advice. Instead, we were just friendly. Two humans acknowledging each other’s humanity. For the sake of this story, we’ll call him Irving. Irving was a man headed towards his golden years. That moment in life where you’re supposed to reap the benefits of late nights, and long hours during your youth, in order to coast to the finish line we call the end of life.

I like to believe he was in his late 50’s or early 60’s. He was 5’8 with a slender build, and brown skin. He had bushy black hair, with an ever growing spattering of grey it. His face wore the look of someone whose life has been a constant struggle. There was no way to look at him and not wonder what lead him to the bottom of this dirty staircase, a newspaper or two by his feet, beat up crutches, stained with soot, mold…



Stanley Fritz

JET mag beauty of the week finalist circa 2067. Table flipper, writer. Non respectable negro. Racist round house kicker